Legal information

Publisher: Maison du Tourisme de la Forêt de Saint-Hubert asbl
Registered office: Place du Marché 15, 6870 Saint-Hubert, Belgiquespan
ECB number: 0676.474.832
President: Véronique Arnould
Director: Laurent Vanhex

This site was created on WordPress with the support of the Commissariat Général au Tourisme.
Its content is provided by the Maison du Tourisme as part of the support provided in collaboration with the provincial All Access.span service.
This site is hosted in France, on a server equipped with protection tools such as a firewall, and is encrypted using an SSL certificate.

Under no circumstances may the photos and texts on this site be used without the written consent of their authors.

For any questions/comments/technical problems/requests to use the content or to appear on this site, please contact Maison du Tourisme by post at the head office address, by telephone (+32 61 61 30 10) or via this form.

Privacy policy

La Maison du Tourisme de la Forêt de Saint-Hubert may collect various personal data when you use this site.
Please note that the confidentiality policy, in other words, the way in which the Maison du Tourisme de la Forêt de Saint-Hubert uses and protects the data that you provide, may change over time.
If any changes are made, this page will be updated.
Please check back from time to time for any changes to its scope.

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By continuing your browsing, you accept the deposit of cookies; when you visit the site, a message informs you of this and you can accept or reject it.
The data analysed is geographical, demographic, technological, etc. It cannot be linked to a specific person.