Contemporary gîte - domaine du wisbeley

In collaboration with All Access (Province of Luxembourg), we would like to inform you that facilities have been made available for:

  • people with reduced mobility
  • the visually impaired
  • the hearing impaired (no visual alarm system)
  • people with comprehension difficulties
  • people who are disorientated
  • people with autism
Pictogramme maison (adresse)

The address is Rue de Wisbeley 55, 6800 Libramont-Chevigny.

This house can accommodate up to 8 people.
There are 3 bedrooms.

This house is located in the Domaine du Wisbeley.
There are 6 holiday homes on site.
All houses can be booked for a total of 26 people.

The information on this page relates only to the gîte Contemporain.

Pictogramme téléphone

The telephone number for information and reservations for the gîte Contemporain at Domaine du Wisbeley is 0497 53 76 40.
If you are calling from abroad, dial 0032 497 53 76 40.

Pictogramme e-mail

You can also send an e-mail for information to

Pictogramme calendrier

Booking in advance is essential.

Pictogramme parking

The car park is gravel.

Pictogramme toilette PMR

If you are in a wheelchair: as the turning area in the toilet is insufficient, it is recommended that you enter it in reverse

Assistance dogs are welcome, but their presence must be notified at the time of booking.

Pictogramme wifi

Wifi is available in the gîte.
It is a high-speed wifi.

You can bring your own bike, as this holiday home has been awarded the ‘Bienvenue vélo’ label.
This means, among other things, that there are routes nearby, that you can store your bike safely and that there is a basic repair kit on site.

Photo of the façade

Photo of the driveway

Photo of terrace access

Photos of the kitchen and dining room

Photos of the lounge

Photos of the relaxation room

Photos of a shower room

Photo of corridor

Photos of the 3 bedrooms

Useful information

All the rooms are on the ground floor.
The rooms are spacious and the doorways are wide.
There are different types of seating in the gîte.
There are contrasts throughout.

Entrances :

  • There are 4 steps to the main door.
  • If you are in a wheelchair, it is possible to access the second entrance near the terrace.
    The entrance is via a door with a ramp that does not cover the inside crossbar of the frame.


There is no clearance under the sink or under the hob.


  • There are 3 bedrooms.
  • Access to one of the bedrooms is via an unsecured step.
  • The beds are 60 cm high.
  • The bedside table can be moved.
  • The lighting is automated.

Shower rooms:

  • There are two shower rooms.
  • There is a walk-in shower.
    It includes a seat and grab rails.

It includes a seat and grab rails.

If you are in a wheelchair: as the turning area in the toilet is insufficient, it is recommended that you enter it in reverse

Garden and terrace:

  • Access is via a door with a ramp that does not cover the inside crossbar of the frame.
  • Access to the garden is on one level via the terrace.
    The terrace is tiled.
  • The garden paths are gravel.
  • There are seats of different heights in the garden.
  • The area is quiet.

Easy to read and understand

This text is written in Easy to Read and Understand.

There are no stairs in the house.
Wheelchair users can move around the house easily.
There are armchairs, chairs and benches throughout the house.
The walls are light in colour and the furniture is dark.

Car park :

The floor of the car park is gravel.
Gravel is made up of small stones.

Entrance :

For wheelchair users, there is a second entrance near the terrace.
It’s a bit difficult to get through the door near the terrace, so you’ll need help if you’re in a wheelchair.


Wheelchair users will not be able to use the kitchen tap and hob.

Bedrooms :

  • There are 3 bedrooms.
  • There is a small step to enter one of the bedrooms.
  • The height of the bed is a little high (60cm).
  • To get into bed easily, you can move the bedside table.
  • When you enter the bedrooms, the lights come on by themselves.

Shower room:

There are two showers for washing:

  • A walk-in shower, which is a large shower for wheelchair users, for example.
    In this shower, there is a chair and bars to hold on to.
  • A smaller shower.


Wheelchair users have to enter the toilet in reverse.

Garden and terrace:

  • For wheelchair users, there is a second entrance near the terrace.
    It’s a bit difficult to get through the door near the terrace, so you’ll need help if you’re in a wheelchair.
  • The entrance to the garden is flat.
  • The terrace is flat and tiled.
  • The paths in the garden are made of small stones.
  • Il y a There are chairs and armchairs in the garden.
  • The garden is quiet.